Tuesday, April 17, 2012

eiffel tower queues

Hi there,

My wife and I are visiting Paris on the 6th march on a 3 day trip and are really keen to get to the top of the eiffel tower , however I understand the queues can be a real problem obviously we don%26#39;t want to waste time stood in line and am therefore wondering if anybody has advice on the best time to get there would it be early morning or maybe later in the day.

Also we are staying in area 8 at the astor st honore , are there any mid-price restaurants in the area that can be recommended.

Thank You


I%26#39;ll be there the 10th and have the same question...please help locals!




Just got back from Paris and the only disappointment my teen traveling companion had was that she didn%26#39;t get to go up the Eiffel Tower. She had the option but chose not to stand in the long lines. And they are long. I told her that the only other option was to get up early and be there by 9:15. I%26#39;ve heard others say that it%26#39;s the one thing likely to work in avoiding standing in the lines so long. She wasn%26#39;t willing to go quite that far...You might also check in the search engine at the top of the forum. Put in something like %26quot;lines at Eiffel Tower%26quot; and you will get recent threads on the subject.


We walked up as far as we could in a light drizzel and we were the only walkers. The lines for the lift were extensive. So maybe you could walk up? However at the, I think 3nd level, you still have to take the lift to reach the top. But once there the lines to take the elevator down were endless and we waited almost an hour to get on the lift and back down. This was on a Saturday afternoon in November.


We went in November at night. It took about an hour to get to the top.


If you don%26#39;t like the elevator lines, climb up the stairs as far as they go and then take the elevator from that level. The elevator lines are a lot shorter at the upper levels.

Or, make reservations at Jules Verne to use their private elevator.


Either early or late. Get there by 8:45AM to be among the 1st in line. The evening 6-7PM wait is usually aroung 30-45 minutes on weekdays.


We finally made our way to the top this past Dec (our 6th month in Paris).

We were at the Trocadero having just paid for our table at Cafe de l%26#39;Homme for new year%26#39;s eve, it was a beautiful clear, sunny day and about 2 in the afternoon. We strolled over and the lines looked much shorter than we had seen them previously - so we joined in.

It took us 15 mins to get to the point where there is a sign that reads %26quot;From This Point It Will Take 30 Minutes More%26quot; - ok not too bad and we%26#39;re here now. One hour and fifteen minutes later we finally boarded the first elevator! What the sign omits to mention is, that the 30 mins rule only applies if no tour groups get in front of you and busloads of them kept arriving!

I have one very big tip for all of you - never get in the line if you have had anything to drink recently. And always make a pee stop beforehand. It%26#39;s very hard to climb those steps with crossed legs!

We finally got to the top just before sunset - it was really beautiful that day though - a very crisp, cloudless sunny day and the city below was all tinged with pink. We stayed at the top to watch the sunset and then made our way down.

You never know, this year, I may finally make it into the Louvre :)


I%26#39;ve never had to wait more than about 45 minutes in the line at the ET. I guess I have been lucky, but I do tend to visit Paris in the depths of winter, when not even loonies want to stand ouside in a howling gale atop a brown iron thing.


thanks for the advice , it looks like we will have to be early risers

if we wish to go up the tower

thanks again


We were there in mid October. Our hotel was 3-4 blocks away and we passed by Eiffel many times on our way to other points of interest. We noticed significantly longer lines on Friday - Monday thanks to the weekend crowds especially pre-dusk for the sunset. By Tuesday/Wednesday the lines were much smaller and we only waited +- 20 minutes. We ended waiting for the sunset for quite a while as we anticipated a much longer line...

Have a wonderful trip!

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