Sunday, April 15, 2012

Possible case of Paris overdose for teens?

S%26#39;il vous plait some perspective. We are getting to the last minute and my teens are saying two weeks in Paris is too long - I am thinking of taking a train ride somewhere for a day during our Paris stay. Then to use a third week to venture towards the coast. They say three weeks in France is too long!

My neighbour who is French just came back and tells me it is hard to take the pollution in the city for more than ten days!

What%26#39;s a mother to do?


two months in paris would not be enough in my mind! When i was a teenager i spent two weeks in paris and we didn%26#39;t even get to versailles the first time! If you do things like take a day out at versailles and other destinations outside paris and perhaps find things they are interested in and gear parts of the trip towards that they will go with it...perhaps find a movie they%26#39;ve seen that possibly had scenes set in paris, find out where they are and go discovering them?



What%26#39;s a mother to do? To remind her darling teenagers that they are very very lucky to be taken to Paris and that their mother has put a lot of time into researching and planning the trip and that this may be one of those rare occasions when the teenagers don%26#39;t know best.

My job is teaching teenagers (11 to 14 year olds) and I love it and them, but no matter how lovely, sometimes they need to be told to get over themselves! I think this may be one of those times for yours.


Hi Wc

Once they get there they will sing a different song. After all, your kids have not seen Paris before, so they have no idea, do they?

I am sure they will leave wishing they had longer.


True they were never there... how about this whole concept of traveling a couple of days here and a couple of days in another country. It never occured to me! Some friends I spoke with tell me this is how they go about it and my children tell me this is how their friends travel... are we a rare breed? do we linger longer...?


WC, It is up to you. It seems your friends are into the %26quot;this is Tuesday so this must be Paris%26quot; sort of travel which you and your two children might enjoy. It is nto my thing but YMMV


WC, It is up to you. It seems your friends are into the %26quot;this is Tuesday so this must be Paris%26quot; sort of travel which you and your two children might enjoy. It is not my thing but YMMV


Spot the difference between the two posts. %26quot;nto%26quot; = %26quot;not%26quot;


Faux... I appreciate your precision... what is YMMV? Sorry, I am really slow today and the worst is that I must leave for work very soon :-(


Two weeks barely scratches the surface of Paris. If you take each district one day at a time or more for some and really explore you will see a great deal, well beyond the standard monuments and museums.Two days which is most package tours is really so superficial everything blurs. That is, unfortunately, how many people travel. It is geared to sound bites. As to pollution, we have far more in Philadelphia than I find in Paris.

How much French History do your teens know? Along with a couple of good guide books, I would get a basic French History. have your teens pick out what they want to see and do. How old are they actually? This would also influence their activities. You might look to see if there is some sort of meet the French program that is geared toward teens. there are also some really interesting small museums like the Polic Museum. Tours of underground Paris and crypts that might interest teens.

There is also the prospect of several day trips from Paris to Normandy--WWII, to Versailles, Chartres, Dijon, Chantilly, Rouen, etc. Lille , Brussels might be a couple of days to explore and you could certainly spend more time in London. You could also explore the Dordogne and the prehistoric caves.

But as a parent and grandparent who has traveled with teens, it is critical to know what they enjoy doing. When we spent summers in Britain while we did research, our teens did very different things. Son who is now an archaeologist went to digs and museums. Daughter to theatres and went horseback riding. They loved the trips but partly because they also had the chance to do their own things as well as what we selected.

Maybe you can try to set up your days where everyone picks one activity. But don%26#39;t overschedule--allow time for the unexpected and please don%26#39;t do the whirlwind tour thing. What you are allowing will be so much more memorable.


Personally two to three weeks are not enough for me and it seems that way for many others too. Sure it%26#39;s possible to do a trip by train from Paris. I believe you received quite a bit of suggestions about that topic already.

It sounds as though your trip apparently is almost here that there is still no conclusive itinerary that you and your family have drawn up. I%26#39;d suggested you get at least one travel guide and get ideas of where you want to visit and what you want to do and see. I%26#39;m actually getting the sense that perhaps the teens don%26#39;t really wish to visit France-LOL!

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