Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What to wear in Paris, Florence and Rome

We are traveling from the 30th of May to the 12th of June. We are fashion conscious women. Age range 18 and 48. Is it still true that you don%26#39;t see white pants and colorful clothing in these areas? Please help!!


Proabably, but here%26#39;s a fun suggestion: I like to find news stands with foreign language magazines and check out the fashions that way (especially the popular ones that show people as they %26quot;really%26quot; dress and not the haute couture approach). Then you can see the general %26quot;look%26quot; and plan accordingly (if that matters to you). In Paris you still see scarves on at least 80% of the local women (that%26#39;s also starting to catch on in the US, so not quite so %26quot;foreign%26quot; as it was). In Italy people are very body-conscious, so generally clothing is a little tighter and lower cut than you might see in the US. But, why not take a minimum of things with you (basic neutrals) and then go shopping for the go-with pieces?! Florence, in particular, is a good place to shop for leather, and also for silk and cashmere scarves (about 1/3 the price of the same items in Paris, as of a couple of years ago).



I too am a fashion conscious woman from Texas in your age range and will be in Paris around the same time. I have spent many hours agonizing over what to wear and have determined to go black, white, khaki and mix and match. It is much more practical to pack fewer mix and match items, throw on some great jewlery (not expensive) and heels for at night. It also leaves the option open to buy a new outfit in Paris if I feel the urge. I did however have fun looking at videos on this site to see what everyone was wearing.


FYI- those who feel inclined to comment on the craziness of this obsession with clothes- it%26#39;s a girl thing- leave it alone : )


Hi Txtravelgirl7 - just had to let you know that those are our exact same travel dates! 2 weeks from tomorrow and we%26#39;ll be on our way! Hope you have a great trip.


Thank God I%26#39;m not alone here! LOL

I%26#39;m leaving in a couple of days and I%26#39;ve already packed. But I think I%26#39;m gonna check everything again tomorrow and leave some things out...


Jazz Girl,

So what did you pack? And unpack?


Why does everyone seem to obsess over what to wear? Dress in a modest and appropriate fashion, exactly what you wear here (not your sweat pants of course), but as though you were joining a friend for a nice lunch. I have been to Europe and don’t ever recall thinking to myself, gosh I’m so shabbily dressed or I’m so out of style! You will be encountering people going about their daily lives, not up and down a runway. Dress comfortably and I do believe modesty is most essential.



I absolutly agree to dress modestly.

You know it%26#39;s funny that some people get the reason for such a question and some just don%26#39;t. A couple of years ago I went to London, it was November (which is not cold here in Houston) and I felt like a schmuck because I usually do fit right in with the locals, but in this case I didn%26#39;t have appropriate winter clothing and did stand out. I was not wearing sweats and white tennis shoes either, I was wearing jeans, dress boots and had what I could find for a longish winter coat. It is important to some people to feel comfortable in their surroundings by fitting in with what they wear. No big deal.


I just returned from Paris( on the 12th) where on the Champs Elysee about 90% of the women wore a quality scarf (silk or cashmere)draped around the neck along with black,grey or navy outfits. I%26#39;m originally from Florida where the clothes are more colorful- not in Paris but of course it was cool enough to wear a jacket and definitely a sweater on the night Seine cruise.And they do wear modest, comfortable heels.

Enjoy your trip!


Hi- we just got back from Paris last night,and it was fashion heaven! I pack light, love clothes ,am small, and am 47-I took black pants, black skirt,mostly white mix and match tops. I like St. John Knits because they travel well and are nice in various temps. It was chilly while we were there so everyone had on trench coats. Scarves and heels were on everyone. Nothing was excessive-no flashy jewelry or outfits. I bought a beautiful short trapeze cut jacket (it looked like something from the 1940%26#39;s) because everyone was wearing them. The cuts and fabric and seam work are fantastic. Nice jeans with heels were everywhere. The only overweight, over dressed people seemed to be tourists ! Pack with just a few black separates and take lots of nice accessories--Have fun!-Patti


Debparis07, November in London......Brrrr! I was there 2 years ago in March and I froze my toshie....LOL. Packing for that trip was difficult because I was traveling to Egypt where it was warm and then to London where I knew would be a bit cold, a bit cold I was so wrong!

I think what I%26#39;m trying to say is we should just be comfortable within ourselves, so many of us Americans seem to be intimidated by the Europeans when it comes to dressing. Fashions here are generally fashions there, it used to be that they came out in Europe first then trickled into the US, and I just don’t think that’s the case anymore.….imho! Everyone repeat after me, we are fashionable, we are fashionable lol

By the way thanks for sharing that great website, what fun!

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