Saturday, April 21, 2012

Avoid Air France

We flew that airline last year through Paris and on to Itlay. We had a horrible experience with them. I will NEVER fly AF a day in my life again. We had so many problems. The main one being that they knew our cnnecting flight was an hour late, but they left without us anyway instead of waiting for there connecting flights In the US this wouldn%26#39;t be to much of a problem, but there was only 1 flight a day so we got stranded for 24 hours. I%26#39;d say the only decent thing about them was the free wine. But otherwise I hate AF.


Oops thought I posted a reply not a post. Sorry !


Agreed! The reason I hate Air France:

I am a physician, and was returning from a Paris trip last year. Midflight, over the Atlantic, I became aware of a young girl in front of me who had been experiencing severe abdominal pain consistent with a ruptured appendix. This falls into the category of a true medical emergency. I volunteered my services to evaluate and treat her. However, the flight crew was very poorly prepared for dealing with an emergent medical issue, their stocked medication supply was laughable and the Air France medical consultants (via radio) were putting business needs far ahead of this young girl%26#39;s safety.

As inconvenient and expensive as it might be, I felt that the plane needed to land ASAP, meaning Halifax, to provide this young lady with necessary immediate care. They refused to do so and explained that their intent was to maintain their flight plan all the way to Atlanta! The pilot told me that, unless someone is actively pumping on this girl%26#39;s chest, the flight will continue undeterred. I was livid because, in that situation, I felt as if I had all the responsibility for the welfare of this young girl but none of the authority. We, in fact, flew on to Atlanta as I watched the girl%26#39;s condition steadily deteriorate. EMTs met us at the gate and I thankfully extricated myself from this situation.

Not sure what lessons can be culled from this. Don%26#39;t get sick on AF? Fly with a surgeon? Unfortunately, the lesson I learned is to keep my mouth shut when someone gets ill on a plane and a physician is requested.


What a frightening situation!


I can%26#39;t believe a major operator would jeopardize the life of a passenger that way. I must be naive but that just amazes me.


We will also NEVER fly Air France again. On a recent flight from Paris to Johannesburg we received the most shocking treatment ever. My wife and I reequested a vegetarian meal and received it (this was breakfast at 4 am!) first. Having finished, we then proceeded to wait for almost 2 hours with our trays still on the tray table. Eventually we could no longer wait and had to go to the loo. I took my wife%26#39;s and my own trays aft to the galley station and saw an empty wagon. I neatly placed the two trays on the wagon. After we had visited the loo we returned to our seats. About fifteen minutes later we were jolted from our semi-concious state by this incredibly annoyed and vicious air hostess. She opened our tray tables and slammed the empty trays down, spilling orange juice all over my wife%26#39;s pants and then proceeded to verbally abuse us. %26quot;How dare you put your trays in the galley%26quot; she cried. %26quot;This is not allowed%26quot;. After a couple of moments I realised how out-of-line this person was and demanded to see the pursor of the flight. Whilst all this was going on, numerous other people came up and started telling us that this hostess had also been plain rude and unhelpful the entire flight. I made a formal complaint and the situation was reported to the captain. I was offered such lame excuses from the senior flight staff, like, %26quot;this is not Air France, this is one person! Hang on, this is Air France. If you have people like this representing your company then take the heat and deal with it. To make matters worse (for me that is), they refused to give me this hostess%26#39;s name. How convenient. How can I make a complaint if I cannot name the person? Hmmmm. Anyway, if you see a short little troll-like lady with a frown and a black bob-helmet haircut - make for the emergency exit, she is a horror.


Richskye: I think I know the lady you%26#39;re referring to - she was in one of the early Bond movies, had little blades that popped out of her shoes I believe.

This and a previous thread have made our decision re. an air carrier for an upcoming trip a lot easier.


Hey Frankie,

It%26#39;s not much better ON THE GROUND here in the U.S.!

Two weeks ago, I went to the hospital ER on a Saturday evening at 11:30 pm complaining of appendicitis. I waited until 3 a.m. and they said they were too busy to take me. I went back to the ER on Sunday and waited another 4 hours. They were still too busy.

I went to my regular doctor on Monday morning, they gave me a CAT scan, and had me in surgery right away for an appendectomy. My personal doctors were great, but the ER was worse than AF!


I think that it%26#39;s possible to find a horror story about any airline. In the current environment, they are all cutting corners, and once in a while, things break. Frontier is supposed to be the best of the budget carriers. They treated me shockingly badly a couple of weeks ago.

FWIW, I%26#39;ve always been treated well on Air France, and went out of my way to book with them this year.


We%26#39;ve flown AF several times and although I realized traveling in coach with any airline is awful, I really hate the seating arrangements on the planes we%26#39;ve had out of LA. 3-4-3. so as a couple we always have a stranger sitting with us in in our very cramped space. They almost always overbook, especially from CDG, so there are passengers getting bumped and alot of yelling and complaining at the check in counters. If you are flying with them get to the airport really early. Even with all that I would still fly with them because they have non-stop flights out of LA.

However, on our last trip they managed to loose our luggage and not deliver it to us for 5 days. This pretty much ruined our vacation. The worst was their refusal to contact me via my cell-phone as I requested and the fact that they really showed no compassion towards us. So I%26#39;m no longer flying with them unless I can get a really good deal and bring only carry-on luggage.


Wow, all of your experiences on AF sound like my experiences on British Airways!

I love flying AF - they have an extra inch of legroom compared with Continental (I live in Houston, so they%26#39;re my only other real choice), the food is always excellent, the flight attendants have always been fantastic to me... and they%26#39;ve only ever lost my bag once in 12 years!

A gentleman collapsed in the aisle on my last IAH-CDG flight in December, and the FA%26#39;s picked him up, carried him to the galley and really professionally went to work on him... he%26#39;d just fainted and needed some water and an ice pack for his head. I was in the last row in the center section (scouted out for me by very nice FA who told me it was an empty row), so I saw the whole thing. They were great!

I love the way they always think I should have lots more champagne than I do, too! AND I get OnePass miles!! I love Air France!!

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