Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can I change Deutsche Mark to Euro in Paris?

silly question. not sure if this should be here in the first place but my bf%26#39;s got some leftover Deutsche Mark. Can we change that to Euro in Paris?? Or only at Germany%26#39;s National Central Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank? We%26#39;ll be in Paris for studies and haven%26#39;t decided if we%26#39;re gonna travel to Germany during school break.



You can%26#39;t change old Deutsh Maks for Euros in Paris.

You can%26#39;t even change Francs coins and small notes (the limit was 2006), only some (not all) large notes any more and only at the Banque de France.

I don%26#39;t know what the rules are in Germany about the old Marks.


Frankly I think that Deutsche mark are no longer a valid currency.

I have done some searching and it seems that the 28th Feb. 2002 was the final date for changing DM-notes in local German banks into euros. Since that date you can only change DM-notes in the national central bank.

I doubt very much if the French will accept DM-notes !!


ok thanks for the quick replies!

looks like we might be travelling to germany! hehe


Not in Germany, either. All the old currencies were phased out gears ago.


DesAlpes - not quite correct. The euro-countries were allowed to decide the timelimit themselves. Some countries still recieve old notes, but ONLY through their national central banks (not in %26quot;ordinary%26quot; banks) - which is the case in e.g. Germany (not time limit) and France (until 30th June 2012).

Let me guess: it will involve some heavy paperwork too !


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;The euro-countries were allowed to decide the timelimit themselves. Some countries still recieve old notes, but ONLY through their national central banks%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

Old Deutsche Mark denomination coins and banknotes must be exchanged at Deutsche Bundesbank, German national bank I suppose you could make a side trip to Germany and %26#39;subsidize%26#39; the outing with your old Deutsche Marks (found money)



%26lt;%26lt;Let me guess: it will involve some heavy paperwork too !%26gt;%26gt; Last month a Banque de France ATM machine accidentally te my bank card and I had the joy of spending a couple of hours there. From what I saw, cliets simply came in with their large notes, showed proof of ID and received their Euros. Amazingly efficient and down right unFrench.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Let me guess: it will involve some heavy paperwork too ! %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

As previously noted....the %26#39;..system..%26#39; is pretty simple and straightforward---you hand over old French Francs and they make a few keystrokes to figure the official rate-of-exchange and hand back new €uros......unless you happen to show up with suitcases stuffed with old Francs....and then you might spend a few hours chatting with Interpol agents, exploring your possible associations with organized crime.


I had a couple hundred DM I went to the central bank in Berlin and exchanged for Euros. It wasn%26#39;t easy to find, but once I got there, it was a very simple process. All I remember is that it was about 200 M from a metro station in Mitte area.


%26gt; From what I saw, cliets simply came in with their large notes, showed proof of ID and received their Euros. Amazingly efficient and down right unFrench.

Good news. I found a few hundred francs the other day. They are now stowed with my passport (else I%26#39;d forget again).

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