Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yikes, the weather.......

I am so depressed. We leave tomorrow night and weather. com predicts rain every day that we%26#39;ll be there (until Tues. 5/29.) Is it possible?



I feel for you we leave on Thursday for a trip to Normandy and Paris. Its supposed to rain on everyday we are there. What are the odds of that.

I have put so much into planning this trip all to have is fall apart because of the weather. Guess it could be worse it could be snowing!

Stay Dry!

Error Repair


It predicted rain every day for us last week and......it rained every day last week. It was not constant rain and it wasn%26#39;t cold, windy, or heavy downpours. The good news was the clouds would blow away for a while before another 20 minute bout would come in a few hours later. So we still got pictures with sunshine!

It rained on our walk to the Eiffel Tower. When we got there, the rain had stopped and there was practically no wait! We went up, enjoyed the view and felt a few more raindrops. So we ducked into the cafe and enjoyed the view with a cup of cafe noir. Certainly didn%26#39;t put a damper on our experience ;)

Keep your umbrellas handy and you%26#39;ll still have an amazing time. The cafes have awnings and outdoor heaters. The weather turned out to be a lovely excuse to sit down, watch the world go by and enjoy a bottle of Bordeaux.

My only advice, make sure you have TWO good pair of walking shoes in case one gets soaked.


Ok, lest acknowledge that rain everyday could be a bit of a drag( some may berate you for that, but I believe in honesty) ,, but, lets move on form that.

I have some lovely prints ,,of Paris, obtained in Paris in 1973,, and they show Paris in the rain, the reflections on the pavement, the light, it is still beautiful!!! Think of the movie %26quot; April in Paris%26quot; ,, and romantisize the rain,, try and switch your view point. Yes, a nice sunny day IS lovely,, but rain can be pretty too...

Now, we all know Paris is all about the walking, and lets face it ,, walking in the rain, well, it can be yucky. Take a good compact umbrella,,, one that has a good cover so it can be folded up and put in your purse and not leak on everything.

You can still sit at a cafe,, just get a table slightly inside the roof line ,, and wear good rain gear, lightweight, but warmish( I find damp cold is colder then regular cold)

Paris is also about fabolous museams,, and it never rains inside,, so there is still going to be lots to see to and enjoy rain or not.

PS I understand the rain will not be constant, look for rainbows!


Returned home last night and yes there was rain but what an excuse to see the inside if a Bistro (or Bottle) as previously suggested! Hardly noticed the rain at all,still saw everything we wanted and yes,have just viewed our pictures and the extra reflections are amazing! The sun does shine in between the showers,you will enjoy every minite!

Have a great time ,we did!



Do not get depressed. We just got back last week and prior to our leaving the forecast from weather.com was all rain the entire time. Ended up being great weather with one rain shower on the last evening. By that time, we were so tired all we wanted to do was sleep. Do not stress, you really can%26#39;t go by the forecast.



We leave for London Thursday...then on to Paris next Monday for three nights. Both city forecasts on weather.com look pretty dismal....oh well, c%26#39;est la vie...we%26#39;ll just have to make the most of it.

What%26#39;s that old saying?....... %26quot;When the weather gives you lemons, Paris will give you %26#39;limonade%26#39; %26quot; ;-).........or something like that! :-)))

Have a great trip no matter what weather you have. Let us know how it went when you return! Bon Voyage.



You%26#39;ll still have a fabulous trip. We had days of huge rain in March, when it was quite chilly, but still just forged ahead and did all we hoped to do. We got very good at holding umbrellas over the camera to take amazing photos too. I might suggest taking several umbrellas in case it%26#39;s really pouring because the sidewalks are often quite narrow. As previously suggested, it is very cozy and delightful to sit under the awnings at the sidewalk cafes and watch Parisian life unfold.. And remember, it just can%26#39;t rain for days on end..


thank you for your encouraging words. We leave tonight. Pray for sun!



Don%26#39;t despair. Weather.com, wunderground.com, InParis sites all predicted a high probability for rain everyday and cool temps for our visit (May 8th-14th). But we had very little rain, a bit of drizzle here %26amp; there, temps in the mid-60%26#39;s to low-70%26#39;s and intermittent sunshine every day. I%26#39;m hoping you%26#39;ll have the same and prove the forecasters wrong!

Paris is beautiful in a misty drizzle or right after a bit of rain!

Bon voyage!


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